Friday, August 21, 2015

      Hi friends!

      This is Lauren and this is my blog for my high school program called e-communication!  Here is our very own website  you should definitily check it out!  I am very excited to start my first year in this program.  I am very excited to see all the projects and activities we do.  I am also on the JV dance team here at ONW.  Its a lot of fun to be cheering on the sidelines and dancing at basketball games. I am loving making a ton of new friends, and I also love going to all the fun school activities.  I never knew school could ever be this fun!  Freedom is my favorite part of high school, because we didn't have this much freedom in middle school.  I love being able to be on my phone during passing periods and lunch.  Lunch is my most favorite part of the day because I get to talk to al my friends and plus I am always starving by the time I eat.  I love it here at ONW and proud to call it my school.

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