Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Social Media

        At Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine there was a high school senior that attended a session and posted rude comments about the people around her on Twitter.  This was looked upon by the college which denied her acceptance to the college because of these posts.  
         I was suprised that they actually took the time to look at her posts, and the fact that she did that in the first place!  She probably should be more cautious about what she posts on social media.  This also teaches me to be more cautious about what I put online.  I was also surprised that job candidates get cut if there social media isn't appropriate as well.  Many job applicants will get there social medias looked at to see if they are good for the job.
         I was wondering if my high school pays attention to all of our social medias.  Do they look at them and see all the things people post for certain applications for activities?  Do they cut someone based on there social media posts?  

           This article made me more cautious about what I post on social media.  I will be sure to check my social media consistently so that this never happens to me!

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