Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Reflection over this year

Hey Bloggers!
        This is my last blog with e9, and sharing about this year.  This year I learned a lot about how to work with technology and video.  I learned about all of this from my great e9 teachers.
Its going to help me with experiences and opportunities in the future.
         My strength was video and editing it and my weakness was animation and graphic design creativity.  I have improved with those skills after the group project.  I will use what I have learned with graphic design in the yearbook staff next year.  I would change how some of the teachers taught me because some didn't know what they were doing.
         In all I am not doing ecomm next year because I have joined yearbook, but I will use everything I learned this year.  I feel that I should get in A i the class because I put a lot of effort into my work this year.

Friday, May 13, 2016


Hey Bloggers!

Lately in Ecomm I have been working on an end of the year project.  I was put in a team to make a video, an animation, and logo for a product we had to makeup.  My group is the Space Time Company and our product is the Time Zone app which is a time machine/tele-porter.  We worked well as a team with coming up with creative ways to introduce our product.  We struggled mot with getting along to get the job done.  Next time I need to learn to corporate with others easier and help them make compromises as well.  I would have changed some of the setup of the commercial it was just sort of boring to watch.  I have improved my graphic design skills by make the logo.  I contributed to the animation, made the logo, and filmed some of the video.